Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Keep this list by Jonah Goldberg handy so the next time some twit babbles about why we should not attack Iraq, you have the low-down.

Dave Kopel has a good article detailing the legal options of Torricelli's lame gambit.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

So now that I have staked my claim to a little piece o' the Net, what the hell am I going to say? First off, a little insight as to why. I have been a big reader of Andrew Sullivan and Instapundit for a while. Glenn Reynolds, creator of the latter seems like a regular guy, although with a lot of apparent free time on his hands. I then stumbled across John Cole's Baloon Juice and laughed my ass off. That guy is funny. I make no claims to be as sharp as Andrew Sullivan, as prolific as Glenn Reynolds or as funny as John Cole, but I'll give it a shot.

As to the 'what'. Don't have a clue. Some politics, some culture stuff, whatever. I'm a pilot in the Air Force and I live in Alaska, so I'll try and write some stuff about that. That being said, if there is some Internet troll that classifies blogs, go ahead and file me under the 'warblogger' category. This is one military member who is chomping on the bit to drop some smackdown on Saddam or any other shitbird that dares attack me in the name of Allah, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, or anything else for that matter. Since my ass will be on the line, I figure my opinion counts as much as anyone.

I'm still trying to figure a lot of this web stuff out (HTM-what?). Hopefully, I will not accidentally post my grocery list, but if I do, hey - it's a blog. And the name. It's mine and it works for now. If I come up with something snappy, I'll change it, but rest assured, if I do, it will not have 'pundit' anywhere near it. The quote is John Wayne and it is damn true.